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Kamping Puoy Lake at Battambang Province in Cambodia (building in Khmer Rouge)

Kamping Puoy Lake

Kamping Pouy Bassin is found between two mountains Phnom Ku or Phnom Ta Ngen and Phnom Kamping Pouy – in Ta Nget Village, Ta Kream Srok agreeable, around 35 kilometers west of the normal town.This immense auxiliary building assignment was key to the Khmer Rouge?s plan to immerse the totally open around Battambang. Shockingly, the advancement of the Kamping Puoy Reservoir achieved the passings of incalculable people. Not in any manner like the losses of S21 and Choeung Ek a substantial part of the passings on the Kamping Puoy errand were made by hunger, illness, obsessive worker conduct or manhandle. The passings were in this way, preventable.

A getting a handle on, instinctual and excruciatingly bona fide record of life in Battambang under the Khmer Rouge was created by Haing S. Ngor, the Cambodian authority, entertainer and gathering worker who won an oscar for the film The Killing Fields. His book Survival in Cambodia's Killing Fields is possibly the most expressive record of standard life in the midst of the Pol Pot period. It is bound with encounters into the Khmer mind and is in the long run a tragic read. Kamping Pouy Bassin is 6meters long and 1,900 meters wide. In the midst of the swirling season the bowl can hold 110 million cubic metere of water, which is used mainly to farm. 

Kamping Pouy bowl is critical to this zone. It is at present an unmistakable barbecue site for inhabitants of Pailin and Battambang in perspective of its normal air. Lotus blossoms create in the water and near to you can buy lotus seeds to eat (they are flavorful and taste a touch like sweet, uncooked peas). Takream Commune in Banan District is the nearest settlement.

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