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South-east Asia: Is Cambodia's economic boom over?

Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh. Cambodia's success in attracting foreign investment could be threatened by political unrest.
Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh. Cambodia's success in attracting foreign investment could be threatened by political unrest.GARDEL BERTRAND

South-east Asia: 

Is Cambodia's economic boom over?

Australia Financial Review | 4 February 2018

Cranes building Phnom Penh's rapidly rising skyline attest to Cambodia's economic success as well as to China's commitment to investing in the Kingdom's infrastructure.

Cambodia has been highly successful in attracting foreign direct investment, creating employment and alleviating poverty for millions. The outstanding performance of its economy has been widely acknowledged: the Asian Development Bank calls Cambodia the "new tiger economy" and the World Bank announced Cambodia's transition from a low-income to a lower-middle-income country. The widely held expectation is that Cambodia will achieve upper-middle-income status by 2030 if recent growth rates are sustained. 
But Cambodia is still among the least developed countries. For this reason, Cambodia is likely to retain the preferential trade agreements and donor payments that the country has enjoyed for decades. Economic prosperity is set to advance — unless politics get in the way. 
Cambodia's economic rise is in stark contrast to the political chaos that reached a climax in November 2017 with the dissolution of the Cambodia National Rescue Party — the country's only major opposition party — and the detention of its leader, Kem Sokha. Prime Minister Hun Sen has also threatened to close the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, which was founded by the detained opposition leader. 
Western governments fear Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen is moving to a dictatorship after he sought the dissolution ...
Western governments fear Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen is moving to a dictatorship after he sought the dissolution of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, accusing the party of involvement in a plot to topple the government. CNRP officials have denied the charges, saying they are politically motivated. HENG SINITH
The moves have been widely condemned as marking Cambodia's shift to a one-party dictatorship, and many Western countries have threatened sanctions. Member states of the European Union announced restrictions on rice imports from Cambodia, while Canada and Australia encouraged Cambodia to reinstate proper democratic processes.

EU, US Sanctions

Perhaps the strongest response came from the United States, which Hun Sen has accused of supporting the arrested opposition leader's efforts to conspire against the Cambodian government. The US immediately cancelled the SUS1.8 million ($2.3 million) in funding it had pledged for the 2018 Cambodian general elections and it announced visa sanctions against Cambodian officials who were "undermining democracy". 
Since the 1991 Paris Accords, the US has spent billions supporting the democratic process in Cambodia in order to restore and preserve peace after two decades of civil war and Khmer Rouge atrocities. The recent political developments are widely viewed as a collapse of the democratisation process — a view that is shared by international rights organisations such as Global Witness and Human Rights Watch. Further recommended sanctions include asset freezes, travel bans on senior officials, trade restrictions and the suspension of all technical assistance for elections. 
The Cambodian government and the ruling party have been bemused by Western criticism. The Prime Minister welcomed the cutting of US aid for the elections, pointing out that this would put an end to NGO meddling in Cambodian affairs. After all, Western aid has always been conditional on the government maintaining proper democratic processes and institutions. Alluding to the robust performance of the Cambodian economy, a spokesman of the ruling party dismissed concerns, saying "everything is better now than it was before". 
On Thursday, the Appeals Court for the second time denied a request for the release on bail of opposition leader Kem ...
On Thursday, the Appeals Court for the second time denied a request for the release on bail of opposition leader Kem Sokha, who has been charged with treason. HENG SINITH
Will Cambodia's political fiascos put an end to its economic rise? Cambodian unions fear foreign sanctions will involve a cancellation of preferential tariff rates. In a joint statement, the four major unions in the country appealed to foreign embassies and buyers to treat their industries as separate from politics. 
Economic analysts expect the current political instability to have only limited, short-term effects on the Cambodian economy. The West will tighten sanctions if Cambodia continues its crackdowns on democratic institutions such as civil society organisations and independent media outlets. These crackdowns are most likely to intensify in the run-up to the 2018 general elections. Foreign investment in Cambodia overall will hardly be affected either way, as the overwhelming majority comes from other Asian countries. 

Beijing's support

As one of China's most favoured nations, Cambodia not only receives economic investment and aid with 'no strings attached' but also receives Beijing's political support. China has explicitly expressed its support for the Cambodian government and Hun Sen, who is one of Beijing's most important allies in south-east Asia (and in the South China Sea dispute in particular).
A Cambodian boy standing in front of  human skulls discovered 25km south of Phnom Penh in 1995. The mass grave contains ...
A Cambodian boy standing in front of human skulls discovered 25km south of Phnom Penh in 1995. The mass grave contains the remains of about 2000 victims of the Khmer Rouge. Aid flowed to Cambodia in the past three decades in an effort to rebuild the country after the Khmer Rouge atrocities in the 1970s. AP
The Cambodian business community is championing close ties to the government. It views an election victory for the ruling Cambodian People's Party as the most desirable outcome since any other would be detrimental to established business interests. 
While the political drama unfolds, Cambodian people go about business as usual and politics does not seem to be the first thing on their minds. The current 'crisis of democracy' has been a long time coming and is not alien to the region at large. Authoritarian rule is enduring across south-east Asia. Arguably, as the US rapidly loses its role as protector of democracy, the 'politics of disorder' is becoming the new regional order. 
- Heidi Dahles is Adjunct Professor at the Griffith Business School, Griffith University.

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