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[Vietnamization: Military, Occupation] Commander Chum Chheang of KPNLF

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Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, tree, sky, child, outdoor and nature
An afternoon with former military commander Chum Chheang who resisted the Khmer Rouge soldiers with only a handful of men in 1975 from Sre Ampil, Kien Svay; whoresisted the invading Vietnamese military in late 1978 and who went on to lead the military of Son Sann’s Khmer People’s National Liberation Front (KPNLF) and started the camp at Dangrek with only 50 baht, growing into resistance force of 1,300 under his command, against Vietnamese military occupation of Cambodia from December 1978 to 1989. 

During the 1997 coup d’état, the Vietnamese-backed Hun Sen troops ransacked his home in Phnom Penh and took his computer, 70+ video cassettes, and a huge military map made by his soldiers under his command with intelligence they’ve gathered of Vietnamese military presence and settlements in Cambodia during occupation.

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I love signed book gift! By the military commander of Son Sann’s KPNLF.

- Theary C. Seng, 4 February 2018

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