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French archaeologist, scholar Olivier de Bernon, former direcctor of Musee Guimet and his project at Choeung Ek

Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting, table and outdoor
Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting and table
What a nice surprise! It was already a good day anticipating lunch with my adopted uncle Son Soubert, but to discover the charming Museum Café and then be joined by more great company, particularly meet Olivier de Bernon and hear of his vast and amazing work across decades in Cambodia and his archaeological discoveries and projects! And hear Cambodian history not heard before!
Lady Penh is a legend! There existed many similar Lady Penhs in China. There was already a city here when King Ponhea Yath moved the capital from Angkor to Phnom Penh; he "restored" 4 pagodas (wats): Wat Analoum, Wat Langka (before located at what is now Wat Botum), Wat Chen Dam Dak (or, Wat Puthsa Kosacha, along the river, btw French Embassy and river).
It took till year 2000 for anyone to realize there’s a tower at Wat Analoum from Angkorian time. That someone happens to be Olivier de Bernon, the former director of the Musée Guimet, now director of Ecole Française d’extrême orient.
In 1994, an aerial image of Choeung Ek near the "Killing Fields" showed a moat dug in a perfect circle with a diameter of 780 meters. Only within the past few years have any work been done on this archaeological find of the 7th-8th century. Currently one of Olivier de Bernon’s projects. Kilns were discovered but not any ceramic anywhere nearby. Through a process of elimination (not an agriculture project nor military nor city dwelling), Olivier concludes that this perfect circle was built for religious or astronomical purposes. I’ve seen the aerial photo—truly fascinating! Will never solely associate Choeung Ek with just the "killing fields" again! 
Theary C. Seng, 23 January 2018

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